Super Swarm Sunday Badge on Foursquare for the Super Bowl

Foursquare this afternoon released more information about their Super Swarm Sunday promotion with American Express and Pizza Hut. At the end of the post, they threw out one more tidbit of information: yes, there will be a badge this year. This year’s badge will be a Super Swarm Sunday badge, featuring the usual swarm badge […]

Groundhog Day, Ferris and Phil

Not only is it a leap year but it also one of the coldest winters on record here in the Great White North. I don’t know if it is good or bad that ole’ Phil saw his shadow in the Keystone State today but I would bet that some wish he would have stayed buried […]

Local Badge on Foursquare

Who would have thought that my early days of checking in to our dog training school, Denver Dog Works on Foursquare would turn into the adventure that it has. I have checked in our Foursquare at some of the coolest spots in the country and it just keeps getting better! The unlock text reads: You’ve […]

Crunked Badge on Foursquare

The Crunked Badge on Foursquare is another one of the core badges on the app. I got this one at a great Italian restaurant, Evangelo’s, in Wasilly, Alaska with my daughter, Nicole on our trip up here to buy our new house. The unlock text reads: That’s 4+ stops in one night for you! Follow […]

Superuser Badge on Foursquare

I knew I was in for an addiction to Foursquare when I got the Super User Badge about the first or second day I was using the app. Since then I have more than 4500 check-ins, over 160 mayorships, and close to 100 badges. Keep ’em coming! The unlock text reads: That’s 30 check-ins in […]