Sniglet Blog 728
Pewtone (pyu tone’) – n. (chemical symbol: Pu) A major atmospheric component of towns with paper mills. * A Sniglet is a word that should be in the dictionary but […]
Sniglet Blog 727
Hangnibble: to chew one tiny bit of hangnail, usually resulting in a prodigious amount of blood loss. * A Sniglet is a word that should be in the dictionary but […]
Sniglet Blog 726
Chiclexodus (Chick-ul-EXodus) The act of a gumball falling from the gumball machine onto the floor after a coin is inserted and the knob turned, while one forgets to place his […]
Sniglet Blog 725
Twinch (twinch) – n. The movement a dog makes with its head when it hears a high-pitched noise. * A Sniglet is a word that should be in the dictionary […]
Sniglet Blog 724
Microtrek (my’ kro trek) – n. Any nervous trip to the microwave oven to make sure the food hasn’t incinerated. * A Sniglet is a word that should be in […]