Fortos Fantasy Football: Week 12 round up

Week 12 and we are are now in the last quarter of the season. We are getting ready to run our two minute drill-hurry up offense-red zone stand. Where is […]
Fortos Fantasy Football: Week 10 round up

Week 10 proved to be a great week for the team managers in Forto’s Fantasy Football. Nicole’s Qyainators and Russell’s Wildcats are battling for second place and the other teams […]
Fortos Fantasy Football: Week 9 round up

It is week nine in the National Football League and that means that Forto’s Fantasy Football is at the half way point. While there is still a lot of football […]
Fortos Fantasy Football: Week 7 round up

We are heading into the second half of the season in Forto’s Fantasy Football. The standings are the same as last week but that does not discount the moves and […]
Fortos Fantasy Football: Week 5 round up

The Forto’s Fantasy Football season is in full swing! My team, Jinx took over the lead this week from my daughter, Nicole (Qyainators), not because of spectacular play by […]