Horror Lovers Challenge: Horror Musical

I am participating in a 30 day challenge. This time it is all about horror! If you know anything about us here at the Fort you would know that we are hard core horror fans. Each October we watch a movie each night in what we dub as “The 31 Nights of Horror.” Day 4: […]

Horror Lovers Challenge. Day 1: Scariest kid in a horror movie

I am participating in a 30 day challenge. This time it is all about horror! If you know anything about us here at the Fort you would know that we are hard core horror fans. Each October we watch a movie each night in what we dub as “The 31 Nights of Horror.” Day 1 […]

The Giant Spider

Calling John Goodman, there is a Giant Spider attacking Phantom Lake County and we need an exterminator pronto! In the 8th annual installment from Saint Euprohia Pictures and filmmaker Christopher R. Mihm we bring you The Giant Spider! If you are a fan of 1950s era drive-in movies, cheesy dialoque, and overtly over acting by […]

One of life’s greatest moments

As a child grows up there are several milestones that mean more than the ability to drive the family truckster. Our little flea, Nicole, got her learners permit this past Saturday and she is so excited! In Alaska you are able to drive at the ripe old age of 14 but Nicole decided to wait–with […]

31 Nights of Horror. Night 19: The Omen

There are movie that have scary kids, Namely that crazy kid from Home Alone in the scary/drama The Good Son, to Chucky–well he is a doll, not a kid. But none of them take the viewer by the throat and don’t let go than the little monster in kickers named Damien. Admit this little snot-nose […]