Scary Movie Bracket: The Mummy vs. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre

Here at the Fort we love sports, March Madness and scary movies. Play along with us and find out what is the scariest movie of all time, voted on by you, my rabid readers!

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Scary Movie Bracket Round 1: The Mummy vs. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre





The Mummy

In 1921 a field expedition in Egypt discovers the mummy of ancient Egyptian prince Im-Ho-Tep, who was condemned and buried alive for sacrilege. Also found in the tomb is the Scroll of Thoth, which can bring the dead back to life. One night a young member of the expedition reads the Scroll out loud, and then goes insane, realizing that he has brought Im-Ho-Tep back to life. Ten years later, disguised as a modern Egyptian, the mummy attempts to reunite with his lost love, an ancient princess who has been reincarnated into a beautiful young woman

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The Texas Chain Saw Massacre 

En route to visit their grandfather’s grave (which has apparently been ritualistically desecrated), five teenagers drive past a slaughterhouse, pick up (and quickly drop) a sinister hitch-hiker, eat some delicious home-cured meat at a roadside gas station, before ending up at the old family home… where they’re plunged into a never-ending nightmare as they meet a family of cannibals who more than make up in power tools what they lack in social skills…

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