Fortos Fort: Roof Project Complete!

After nearly three weeks of ring around the collar work, the roof project at Forto’s Fort is complete!

As with any home project, we went WAY over budget–almost a 1000 bucks.

That was to be expected. If you are a frequent reader of this blog you have read my stories about the famed Forto’s Fort.

This place was built in sections as families grew and (I would bet) wallet’s got fatter. With that, it made the roof project a challenge because of the myriad angles and valleys.

I am thankful for the professionalism and eye for detail of my contractor Bill and his friend and assistant Bob. I knew I was in good hands with these two guys. They know their stuff.

I am also thankful to my son, Tyler. We could not have done this project without his help. He was the only one that was brave enough to hang over the edge 30 feet in the air to paint the trim on the peaks.

We only had one little mishap. Well, actually two…

The first one involved a shard of metal trim that sailed down and sliced my scalp open. Luckily I was looking down or it could have put my eye out! After a few minutes gushing, bright red blood and the helpful assistance from my wife, Michele I was back to the job.

The second mishap was Bill falling through the roof on the next to the last day from a rotten piece of plywood.

Hopefully this is the last roof this little cabin will ever need and I sure hope that we sealed it up good enough to keep out all the little critters that were living in the attic: bats, squirrels, ants, and most of the rest of the Alaska wildlife food chain that was small enough to fit in between the rafters.

Now all I need to do is call up the guys from the D.I.Y. Network and have some cheesy real estate agent come out and appraise the place.

Wait a minute, those guys don’t dare come to Alaska.

My contractor says it added at least 25 grand to the equity of the house. Let’s hope so!

Maybe I should put in on the market.

Anyone interested in a cozy cabin the the Great White North?

I don’t think so…

Next up: Starting work on the dog yard.

Should be fun!

Related Posts:

Fortos Fort: The roof–choices, choices

Fortos Fort: Roof day 3

Fortos Fort: Roof Phase 1 complete!

Fortos Fort: New roof porject
