31 Days of Horror. Day 4: The Monster from Phantom Lake
Originally posted as a film review but it had to be included in this years 31 Days of Horror! All of my friends, fans and rabid readers know by now […]
31 Days of Horror. Day 3: The Wolf Man
Every year we have a tradition in the Forto house where we celebrate the greatest month of the year, October, with scare your socks off, hide under the covers, turn on all […]
31 Days of Horror-Day 2: Frankenstein
Every year we have a tradition in the Forto house where we celebrate the greatest month of the year, October, with scare your socks off, hide under the covers, turn on all […]
30 Days About Me. Day 23: YouTube
I am participating in a blog challenge this month. It is 30 Days About Me from the blog of a Daily Dose of Toni. Today is YouTube Videos that are […]
31 Days of Horror: 2010 Movie List

Each October we watch 31 days of horror movies at the Fortos’ Fort in Alaska. We have had this tradition for at least a decade. We watch all the favorite […]