Dog Training and the Social Fabric of America
Dog Training and the Social Fabric of America By Robert Forto My name is Robert Forto and I am a canine behaviorist and the owner of Denver Dog Works in Colorado and Alaska Dog Works. I specialize in canine aggression and violent dogs and I will admit that people’s political leanings do influence how they care for and […]
How to Choose a Dog Trainer
By Robert Forto My name is Robert Forto and I am the owner and training director of Denver Dog Works in Colorado and Alaska Dog Works, and my team of trainers and I have built our reputation on the fact that we know our stuff and we are able to provide you and your dog with the […]
Influential People in the Development of Learning Theory Part 3
Influential People in the Development of Learning Theory Part III By Robert Forto, PhD Skinner, Keller, and Schoenfeld B.F. Skinner (1904-1990) continued the work that Thorndike started. He was the leading advocate of a more modern version of Thorndike’s Law of Effect, which states, “The frequency of a behavior increases or decreases according to the […]
5/22/10 Denver Dog Works Helps Owners Live Happily with their Dogs
NEWS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Robert Forto, at 303-578-9881 Denver Dog Works Helps Owners Live Happily with their Dogs Denver dog Works, a Denver based dog training company trains all types of dogs-and their owners-in a variety of classes and programs from the working dog to the family pet. “I have found the #1 […]
Segment Topics
Media: Are you looking for a segment for your publication, newscast, radio show or interview? Canine behaviorist, Robert Forto has over 20 years working with dogs. Please contact him directly for more information. Popular segments by Robert Forto, canine behaviorist Move Over Rover: Babies and the Family Dog Why breed legislation is stupid Why Christmas […]