Weeks 142 and 143 of 186 (BMAL 887)

Doctorate of Strategic Leadership program Robert Forto

Weeks 142 and 143

I am finishing of week 6 of 15 in BMAL 887 and what a process it has been. Aside from the email glitch on Canvas that will not send the required email notifications to my chair when I submit a task review, it took weeks for us to get on the same page. 

We finally turned a corner! We have the ability to text now when I submit the task. 

It took six tries but I finally have the first task approved and it is in admin review, whatever that means…

Here is my progress report for this week. 

Proposed topic

The proposed topic is the transgenerational succession process in the family firm with an emphasis on the female leader. 

Description of your progress during the past week

Finally got Task 1 approved! I have gotten great feedback from my chair, especially now that we are on the same page and can text when Task revisions are submitted. I know this was one of the more complex tasks because we had to be dialed in with the process and the info. After all, it leads forward to the rest of the project. 

Task 1 is now at admin review. 

Description of any roadblocks you hit during the week and how you are working through them

No major roadblocks this week. 

Description of what you plan to accomplish next week

Work on Task 2 and look forward to Tasks 3 and 4. 

Let’s Connect…

Oh, if you are on Twitter, I highly encourage you to follow the hashtags, #AcademicChatter and #AcademicTwitter both are great threads with advice, motivation, and a very supportive community and if you wouldn’t mind, give me a follow at @robertforto and send me a tweet letting me know you found my blog helpful! 


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