Weeks 113 and 114 of 186

Weeks 113 and 114 of approximately 186 are in the books in my doctorate program.

Well, as they say, we are in the dog days of summer. It is refreshing to have the first break from school in more than eight years. Yes, eight full years of continuously enrolled in a class at one university or another. That is a LONG time.
During that time, I never missed an assignment. I wrote papers everywhere; on the beach in Hawaii, at a bed and breakfast in New Hampshire, in countless hotel rooms, on too many airplanes, in the middle of a blizzard, in my truck… But more than any place else, at a seat at my local Starbucks.
It is hard to believe that my daughter was just moving on from high school when I started school. This week she turns 25. During that time, I became a grandpa and started wearing glasses. The point is that you are never too old to forget your dreams.
You can do it!

Oh, if you are on Twitter, I highly encourage you to follow the hashtags, #AcademicChatter and #AcademicTwitter both are great threads with advice, motivation, and a very supportive community and if you wouldn’t mind, give me a follow at @robertforto and send me a tweet letting me know you found my blog helpful!

Score: now 102/103

To read the paper:

Forto 780 Research Paper
