Week 8 of 130

Week 8 of approximately 130 is in the books in my doctorate program.

My how fast time flies by. At Liberty University they have what can only be described as the dreaded overlap week during the summer terms. This overlap requires us to do double the amount of work in our courses and it can really stress our time management skills.

This week I finished up my first course in the program, BMAL 700 and found it as a great way to start the doctorate journey and was well designed to set us up for success. I thoroughly enjoyed my professor, Dr. John Johnson and I hope our paths cross again some day.

Final Grade in BMAL 700: A

This was also the start of my second course, BMAL 702, Leadership Theory. I have been in school so long that I am now on the third edition of the text for this course.

This course is a bit different than the previous as we do not write a paper until week 5, just very lengthy, three sources required discussion boards in APA format that nobody can figure out. We are studying trait and skills theories as they apply to leadership.

This week in BMAL 700 we discuss time management and how it applies to our doctorate program. This is also the dreaded overlap week in the summer terms where one term ends and the other starts. This means twice the work for the next week or so. That being said, I am excited about my second course, BMAL 702 which is Leadership Theory.

Score: 114/115

To read the paper:

No paper available
