Week 74 of 186 (BMAL727)

Week 73 of approximately 186 are in the books in my doctorate program.

Last week was a lot of writing! My professor warned us way back in Week 2 of this course when she approved our research topic to start writing then and do not put it off. Of course, I did not listen and waited until the last week to get started on researching and writing a 24-page literature review on the use of Experiential Learning in Building Effective Teams. I have to say, it turned out pretty good and I have a great base to start a new research or dissertation project if I choose to go this route.

Also, Michele is starting her journey this week too and she is very excited! Please do me a favor and follow her over on LinkedIn.

Score: 250/250

To read the paper:

Forto, R., 727 Lit Review


