Week 24 of 130

Week 24 of approximately 130 is in the books in my doctorate program.

This is the last week of this course. Man, it was the toughest one since I started this Midlife in College journey over six years ago. That is really saying something. I have taken countless courses with a wide variety of instructors, teaching styles, requirements, and expectations. If anything a course like this was a real eye-opener and should set me up for success in the upcoming courses.

I would be remiss to say that I have experienced quite a bit of academic burnout in the last few weeks and I hope that the next course will give me some new found motivation. I am excited because I have a week break as the new course does not start until October 26.

This week we wrote a paper to provide a solution to a communication problem using the P-O-L/D-C framework.

Score: */150

To read the paper:

Forto, R., Assignment 8
