Week 16 of 130

Week 16 of approximately 130 is in the books in my doctorate program.

This was the first full week of my third course, BMAL 703. It is a management course and we are reminded daily that it is not a leadership one. I know it is a first world problem but getting coursework done while attending a festival for our dog training business is hard to do when there is no internet or cell service. I had to leave each day to write.

This new professor is much different that the others. He is making us write like I am not used to writing and I do not fell comfortable in my assignment. This week we had to analyze goal setting theory.


Select Expectancy, Equity, or Goal-Setting Theory to analyze in detail. Then evaluate the effectiveness of your selected theory according to scholarly literature and biblical principles. Lastly, provide your thoughts on this topic and include your recommendations as a result of your research of the Bible and management literature.

Remember: This assignment and all assignments in this course have a management, not leadership focus. There is a distinct difference between management and leadership. Discuss management, not leadership. The Contemporary Management text only provides basic topical information. As a research-intensive doctoral course, you will need to research current scholarly literature. There is no assignment in this course that can be completed by relying on the text alone.

Assignment Requirements

This 1000 minimum, 1500 maximum word paper needs to be written to include the following 3 sections:

  1. Analyze one of the following motivation theories; Expectancy, Equity, or Goal-Setting Theory. In your analysis, define the theory, describe its intended purpose and functions, and discuss its strengths and weaknesses. Discuss to what extent the management theory is effective in accomplishing its purpose and provide a summary statement that explicitly states whether or not the theory is effective according to current scholarly journals. (At least 700 words)
  2. Evaluate your chosen theory’s effectiveness according to biblical principles. (See supplements in Course Content/Course guide/Course Guide and Assignment Instructions/Additional Information.) Your biblical evaluation, must include the following: A summary statement that explicitly states whether are not the theory is effective according to the Bible. Discuss the biblical principles/strategies/tools/ techniques/methods you are using to evaluate, examine, and/or critique the management theory, and the chapter and verse of the Bible that you derived your biblical evaluation strategy from. If you are using the rationale of a Christian scholar in your evaluation, then explain their Bible-based rationale and support it with biblical citations. (See supplements in Course Content/Course guide/Course Guide and Assignment Instructions/Additional Information.) (At least 200 words)
  3. Provide new, personal thoughts with recommendations related to this topic Give your opinion in the form of new insights that you gained about this topic. Some suggested questions for reflection: What are your thoughts about the effectiveness of your selected management theory? What new insights do you have about achieving the purposes of your stated management theory? What is the best way to accomplish the purpose of the management theory? Does the theory address the root of the problem? (at least 100 words)


Required Headings

Cover page with Topic Title


Table of Contents


Theory Analysis from Literature

Theory defined

Purpose and function of the theory

Strengths & Weaknesses of the theory

Summary statement of effectiveness

Theory Evaluation from Scripture

Summary statement of effectiveness

Method of evaluation with scripture

New Thoughts and Recommendations.




Other Requirements

Materials submitted to fulfill requirements in one course may not be submitted in another course. Concerns about the propriety of obtaining outside assistance and acknowledging sources should be addressed to the instructor of the course before the work commences and as necessary as the work proceeds.

  • The cover page must include this statement: By submitting this assignment, I attest this submission represents my own work, and not that of another student, scholar, or internet source. I understand I am responsible for knowing and correctly utilizing referencing and bibliographical guidelines.
  • This paper must include at least 7 references from scholarly articles that have publication dates no older than 5 years, in addition to the course textbooks and the Bible. Do not use any books other than the Bible and the 2 course textbooks. Do not cite the management text more than twice in your paper. Do not conduct interviews.
  • In-text citations are required to support your thesis statement, paragraph topic sentences points, statements, issues, arguments, concerns, statements of fact and opinion.
  • The required cover page, abstract, table of contents, introduction, conclusion, and reference sections are not included in the required assignment word count but are required as part of your paper.
  • The abstract should be written within a range of 150-250 words. It should not introduce your paper or duplicate your introduction section, but articulates a clear and comprehensive overview of the paper’s content with a focus on your findings and includes your biblical application.
  • The introduction should not be longer than ½ page. It presents a detailed description of the problems and issues central to the case. A thesis statement, with supporting citation should be at the end of your introduction section.
  • Your conclusion section should not be longer than ½ page. It clearly states the answer to the problem which you stated in your introduction.
  • Sources of information from Wikipedia, dictionaries, and encyclopedia will not be accepted.  Similarity scores must not exceed 20%
  • Paragraph lengths: Each paragraph should have a topic sentence unless it continues from or provides support to the prior paragraph. A paragraph is defined in this course as being at least 4 sentences in length.
  • The first person may be used in the New Thoughts and Recommendations section. Your opinions should be restricted to this section. All other parts of the assignment must be based on scholarly and biblical literature.
  • Avoid clichés, slang, jargon, exaggerations, abbreviations, figurative language, and language that is too informal and/or too subjective.
  • Submit your final document for grading with file name syntax: Last name, First Initial, Assignment #. For example: Bell, K, Assignment1


Grading Metrics

Consult the accompanying rubric for how your instructor will grade this assignment. Also, any form of plagiarism, including cutting and pasting, will result in zero points for the entire assignment. All quoted materials must be properly cited in the current APA format.

Submit the Research Paper to the appropriate link for grading by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday of Module/Week 1.

Reminder: Submit to your professor for approval, a narrow, focused management topic of interest to you for your Week 6 Annotated Bibliography, which will also be used for your Week 7 Literature Review. Your topic should not be less than 4 words and should not be related to leadership. This is an excellent opportunity to review dissertation topics in the LUO dissertation database to get an idea of how to form a doctoral-level research topic.

Score: 93/100

To read the paper:

Forto, R., Assignmnet 1
