Week 134 of 186 (BMAL 785)

Doctorate of Strategic Leadership program Robert Forto

Week 134

This week has been pretty uneventful in the course. We are required to add a progress report for attendance buy to looks like almost all of my peers are done. 

I did have the pleasure of meeting with my coach this week and we discussed the next steps and worked on the first version of a problem statement for the next course. 

Here is my progress report for this week:

Proposed topic

The approved topic is the transgenerational succession in the family firm, focusing on preparing the female leader. 

Description of your progress during the past week

Thankfully task 6 was approved early in Week 6, so I have been focusing on work around the homestead. We received more than two feet of snow over two days, so was a lot of digging and shoveling, with potentially more than three feet expected this weekend. Oh, and it is minus 19 degrees this morning. 

Description of any roadblocks you hit during the week and how you are working through them

No roadblocks related to the course. I am enjoying a bit of a break from reading research journals for the next couple of weeks. 

Description of what you plan to accomplish next week

I plan to read and encourage my cohort on their progress in the course. I think it is very interesting to see what they are working on and where they are at in the sequences of things. It looks like almost everyone is finished and that is great. Finish the progress reports for Weeks 7 and 8 and wait to see who is my approved chair when the time comes!


Week 134 of my doctorate program is in the books! #Academicchatter #midlifeincollege

Let’s Connect…

Oh, if you are on Twitter, I highly encourage you to follow the hashtags, #AcademicChatter and #AcademicTwitter both are great threads with advice, motivation, and a very supportive community and if you wouldn’t mind, give me a follow at @robertforto and send me a tweet letting me know you found my blog helpful! 

FINAL Paper 

Forto_Final Research Concept_291122

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