Week 110 of 186 (BMAL 780)

Week 110 of approximately 186 is in the books in my doctorate program.

We are just finished Week 6 BMAL 780 Strategic Leadership for the 21st Century. This is the first of three short literature reviews that we have to write for this course. I like this course because it really seems to prepare the student for the rigors of academic writing that will come in the next four courses where we work exclusively on our doctorate projects.

This past week I spent in Wisconsin at a sled dog conference where I spoke about the importance of podcasts for mushers and then the last few days in the Seattle area where Michele and I kicked off the summer leg of the Rock n Roller Coaster Tour Across America. It is going to be an epic summer!

Oh, if you are on Twitter, I highly encourage you to follow the hashtags, #AcademicChatter and #AcademicTwitter both are great threads with advice, motivation, and a very supportive community and if you wouldn’t mind, give me a follow at @robertforto and send me a tweet letting me know you found my blog helpful!

Score: now 99/100

To read the paper:


Forto 780 Lit Review 1
