Week 103 of 186 (BMAL 770)

Week 103 of approximately 186 is in the books in my doctorate program.

It was a long week of writing. We had our big research paper due and I ended up spending about 15 hours on it for 18 pages and 11 sources. I always tend to go above and beyond with the research and citation as this instructor is a bit of a stickler for every single thing properly sourced.

I think I did a pretty good job. Now to wait and see!

Join host Michele Forto as she starts her brand new podcast, Wellness Wednesdays. Please give it a listen and leave an honest review wherever you download your podcasts.

Oh, if you are on Twitter, I highly encourage you to follow the hashtags, #AcademicChatter and #AcademicTwitter both are great threads with advice, motivation, and a very supportive community and if you wouldn’t mind, give me a follow at @robertforto and send me a tweet letting me know you found my blog helpful!

Score: */140

To read the paper:

Paper will be uploaded later this week

