Week 101 of 186 (BMAL 770)

Week 101 of approximately 186 is in the books in my doctorate program.

It was a heavy writing week for BMAL 770 Business Ethics. We had to do a critique of a scholarly paper that is less than five years old from one particular journal. After more than four hours of searching, I finally found one that was interesting to me and met all of the criteria. It is sometimes difficult to critique another scholar’s work when it has already gone through a rigorous editing and peer-reviewed process. Nevertheless, I found a couple of points I could hammer home and hopefully it doesn’t make me look too critical. In a doctorate program, you have to learn how to straddle the fine line between opinion and bias.

Also this week my two podcast hosts and I dove deep and recorded an episode that discusses the hero’s journey as it pertains to character development and organizational change through the lens of the 1985 Rocky IV movie. It was a fun project and will drop in a couple of weeks and I will embed it on a future blog post.

Join hosts Robert Forto, TJ Miller, and Michele Forto as they discuss the 5 Dysfunctions of a Team on the Peak Experience podcast

Oh, if you are on Twitter, I highly encourage you to follow the hashtags, #AcademicChatter and #AcademicTwitter both are great threads with advice, motivation, and a very supportive community and if you wouldn’t mind, give me a follow at @robertforto and send me a tweet letting me know you found my blog helpful!

Also, my wife Michele is getting deep into her Master’s program as well and getting close to the finish line! Please do me a favor and follow her over on LinkedIn. This week she is doing a mock-up Winter Olympics proposal for Anchorage, Alaska. Whoever said grad school was boring!

Score: 71/75

To read the paper:

Forto article critique

