I am participating in the Ultimate Blog Challenge and on day six we were prompted to write about someone special. That’s real easy. It is my wife, Michele.
My Michele is my rock. She is my best friend, my business partner, my confidant, my secret teller, my travel partner, my soul catcher and my dream chaser.
I’m sure that everyone thinks this way about their significant others right? If not why are we even married?
Just last month Michele celebrated out 14th wedding anniversary and it seems like yesterday was the day we met.
Just a quick story…
Michele and I met online. In an AOL chat room, no joke. Didn’t everyone back then? It was a Saturday afternoon and I was in a chat room talking about dogs (I am a dog trainer) and she asked a question, “Do you know how I can get my huskies to pull my little kids?”
We started chatting and it soon became a “thing” to talk for hours on the phone. In October of 1999 I flew to Colorado and met Michele at DIA. She was there with Nicole, who was just two then. There was no nervous angry like you see in sappy movies. It was an instant connection. Over the next few days we travelled through the Rockies and became best friends.
Shortly thereafter I packed up my sled dog gear and moved to Colorado. I was a bit of a reckless vagabond then, unsure what I wanted in life or what my purpose was. I found that in Michele.
We were married in March of 2001 and never looked back. Throughout it all, Michele has stood by me. She has made me into what I am today. To say that she is special, well, she is to me.
Follow on Twitter @robertforto