For this year’s 31 Nights of Horror Challenge, the Day 24 prompt was Twist Ending. I pre-picked a bunch of movies for this prompt to come and find out that all of them were not available anywhere to stream, including on Prime so I had to go with my fourth choice which was You’re Next (2011). Michele said right away that we have seen this one before but I don’t remember it.
#31nightsofhorrorchallenge Twist Ending: You're Next (2011).
Robert Forto Tweet
In an attempt to mend their broken family ties, Aubrey and Paul Davison decide to celebrate their wedding anniversary by inviting family members to their weekend estate. The celebration gets off to a rocky start when mysterious assailants wearing animal masks suddenly attack the house.
Our Thoughts on You're Next
O good home-invasion horror film. Intense. Clever twist. It’s unique and even relieving to watch our main star make smart decisions. The whole film is executed with finesse and its pacing doesn’t waste any of its minutes.
7 out of 10
The majority of the film was shot with handheld camera to increase tension.