Thirteen Ghosts | 31 Nights of Horror Challenge

For this year’s 31 Nights of Horror Challenge, the Day 5 prompt was Ghostly. I am not a big fan of ghost movies, except Ghostbusters (1984) of course, so this was a hard prompt for me. I choose Thir13en Ghosts (2001).

[bctt tweet=”#31nightsofhorrorchallenge Thir13en Ghosts (2001). ” username=”robertforto”]


Arthur and his two children, Kathy and Bobby, inherit his Uncle Cyrus’s estate: a glass house that serves as a prison for 12 ghosts. When the family, accompanied by Bobby’s Nanny and an attorney, enter the house, they find themselves trapped inside an evil machine “designed by the devil and powered by the dead” to open the Eye of Hell. Aided by Dennis, a ghost hunter, and his rival Kalina, a ghost rights activist, out to set the ghosts free, the group must do what they can to get out of the house alive.

Our Thoughts of Thir13en Ghosts

This movie is loosely based on the classic movie “!3 Ghosts,” and it’s supposed to be an update. What update? If you saw the updated “House on Haunted Hill,” it’s a rehash of that movie in a glass house. The story has tons of plot holes, the characters typical mainstream Hollywood, and why make the maid comic relief? Oh, did you mention it has CGI and special effects overkill?

2 out of 10


In the movie, the characters need special glasses to see the ghosts. In the original 13 Ghosts (1960), viewers needed special glasses to see the ghosts. This is one of the few details from the original that was kept. is a participant in the Amazon Services, LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to *Amazon and the Amazon logo are the trademarks of, Inc, or its affiliates. Additionally, Alaska Dog Works participates in various other affiliate programs, and we sometimes get a commission through purchases made through our links.

