The Daily Post: Breakfast of Champions

Its a busy day here at Team Ineka/Forto’s Fort. I am getting ready to meet some guys that could become potential sponsors for my dog teams.

I thought I had better have a healthy breakfast. I broke out my Jack Lalane Power Juicer and whipped up a cosmic creation

It is an Apple-Carrot-O.J.-Lime blend and it rocks! Hands down

2 apples

1 lime

1 large carrot

1 jigger of orange juice

Robert Forto | Team Ineka | Alaska Dog Works | Mushing Radio | Dog Works Radio | Denver Dog Works | Daily Post


Robert Forto is a musher training for his first Iditarod under the Team Ineka banner and the host of the popular radio shows, Mush! You Huskies and Dog Works Radio Shows
