Smash that Ball Flea!

I am so proud of my little girl!

Nicole is a freshman at Houston High School in Alaska and is the starting catcher on the junior varsity team and the back-up catcher on varsity. As a freshman!

Nicole is away from home for the first time playing games in Kenai and Homer.

On the way down she texted me and said she was in Anchorage.

Being the typical dad I gave my fatherly advice:

Have fun, be safe, act like a lady and smash that ball!

I then said,

Don’t spend all your time texting, look to the right and you may see a whale in the inlet!

Nicole texted back, “Sweet!”

Nicole just moved up to Alaska over Christmas break. She stayed in Colorado with her grandparents until her mom, Michele, could get a job up here. I didn’t want to have the kids up here if mom would have to return home for lack of work.

Why does this matter? 

Nicole moved from a school in the Denver suburbs with thousands of kids roaming the halls to a little school of just a few hundred kids. Sports aside, she has been given the job as the newspaper photographer for next year and is doing great in her classes.

Who would have thought my little flea (the name we have called her since she was little–we are dog trainers ya know!) would do so well living in the sticks in Alaska.

Way to go Flea! Smash that ball!

Photo Credit:


Robert Forto is mushin’ down a dream in the wilds of Alaska. He and is wife are raising two teenagers at Forto’s Fort.


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