
Today’s topic is: Write a strong memory about recess.

It was kindergarten at Highlawn Elementary School in Huntington, West Virginia and a beautiful spring day. School was nearing the end of the year and I have been flirting this little girl friend that sat across the room from me during playtime. Her name was Kelly and she was soooo pretty. She had curly blonde hair and liked to play in the mud!

I knew time was running out and I WANTED Kelly to be my girlfriend.

It was recess, my favorite period besides nap time and snacks in our half-day schedule. I saw Kelly standing by the swing set and walked up to her and mentioned something like, “there’s something you gotta see!”

We walked across the meadow down a little hill to a smalll smattering of trees. Once we where there I leaned in and kissed her. Right on the cheek. At that very moment I saw fireworks in my head just like Bobby Brady did when he kissed Millicent for the first time on that old 70s TV show.

I don’t remember what ever came of Kelly after the kiss, as it came to be known. But I do know that I have shared that story a thousand times with my kids and my son Tyler grew up to be just the kindergartener that his old man did….
