Mushers Workout
If you don’t already know, my name is Dr. Robert Forto and I am the training director and owner of Denver Dog Works and The Ineka Project in Colorado. I am also a professional musher (dog sledding) and motivational speaker. I have been out of mushing for the past several years because, I like to say, life got in the way. I followed my wife, Michele, to Colorado for her to pursue a career as a paralegal, which she hated and now works with me at my dog training school, but I also retired because frankly there is no snow in Denver, despite what you see in those famous beer commercials. The closest place with considerable snow, at least enough to run a dog team, is two hours away in the mountains and if you plan on going up to run during ski season plan on tacking on at least two more hours on your trip home.
But despite those odds I have announced my intentions on running the Iditarod in 2013 but first things first, I need to get back into shape. The past few years I have had at least two surgeries, one on my groin and one on my wrist and being a small business owner I got lazy and ate on the run without any structure or plan.
Many people have asked about my mushers workout and I am here to share it with you. Use the parts that you like and hybridize it if you must. I can assure you it will get you in the best shape of your life, especially if you plan to run with a team of Siberian Huskies.
Mushers Workout
Day 1
10 minute Warm-Up – Cardio
4 Sets (10 reps) each of the following:
Squats – Lat Pulls – Dumbbell Rows – Standing Calf – Seated Calf – Leg Curl
20 minute Cool Down – Cardio
Day 2
10 minute Warm-Up – Cardio
4 Sets (10 reps) each of the following:
Bench Press – Overhead Dumbbell Extensions
3 Sets (15 Reps) each of the following
Incline Press – Seated Shoulder Press – Triceps Press Down
20 minute Cool Down – Cardio
Day 3
10 minute Warm-Up – Cardio
4 Sets (15 reps) each of the following:
Squats – Seated Row – Barbell Curls – Lateral Rows
3 Sets (25 Reps) Walking Lunges
20 minute Cool Down – Cardio
Day 4
Bike Cherry Creek Trail approximately 20 miles or swim 1 mile in pool
Continue to play indoor lacrosse and hike Colorado 14ers as a team building exercise for Denver Dog Works.
Diet: Starting June 4, 2009
Goal: weight loss and muscle gain. Loss 30 pounds before the snow starts this winter.
Starting weight: 214 pounds on May 27, 2009
A Sample Day
7 am
Breakfast: a bowl of instant oatmeal or one or two eggs
10:30 am
Snack: Fiber One bar
12:30 pm
Lunch: Lean Cuisine
3:00 pm
Snack: Orange, yogurt or pretzels
6:30 pm
Dinner: Lean protein less than a fist size, one green vegetable and/or salad and sometimes a potato or pasta
8:00 pm
Run, Bike, Swim or Mushers Workout
Diet Downfall:
I love coca-cola and I am on my way to totally quitting. I will enjoy water or low calorie juices.
I encourage all of you to follow me on my journey. I will post my progress on my blog and you can track my progress on my website, Team Ineka. If you would like me to speak at your event or if you need a training session for your employees on team building, motivation, leadership and goal setting, give me a call at 303-522-1727.
My motto is: “Never Forget Your Dreams”, I will see you on the trail!
Robert Forto
Team Ineka
Dr. Robert Forto is the training director of Denver Dog Works and The Ineka Project in Colorado. He is training for the Iditarod in 2013 and is available for speaking engagements and sponsorship requests. Dr. Forto can be reached through his website at