Is a DSL Degree Worth It?

If you’re interested in a doctoral degree that will immediately impact the future of your organization and your life, then a Doctor of Strategic Leadership may be for you.

Earning a Doctor of Strategic Leadership helps you build the skills and knowledge to assess and implement change and development initiatives, as well as reform efforts.

In this post, we’ll inform you about the reasons that make pursuing a Doctor of Strategic Leadership worth it such as developing practical skills, expanding your career opportunities and accomplishing a life-long goal.

You’ll Develop Practical Skills

Earning a Doctor of Strategic Leadership will help you develop practical skills to guide you throughout a lifetime of leading.

Here are examples of practical skills you’ll master while you earn your DSL:

  • How to promote and lead change
  • How to strategically forecast and plan
  • Using research-based decision-making
  • Leading as a trainer, mentor, and coach
  • How to cultivate, sustain, and renew an organization
  • Strong understanding of leadership theories and professional practice

With a list like this in your practical skills toolbox, there’s no stopping you from pursuing or achieving whatever you set your mind to.

You’ll Expand Your Career Opportunities

When you earn your doctoral degree, many career opportunities become available to you depending on your skillset, area of specialization, passions, and goals. Below are three examples of possible careers when you earn a Doctor of Strategic Leadership.

1. Postsecondary Professor

The standard degree for postsecondary professors teaching at a 4-year college or university is a PhD or in many cases a professional doctorate like a DSL. Earning your Doctor of Strategic Leadership could prepare you to teach college courses in business, management, or leadership fields. As a professor, you’ll deliver lectures, assign homework, create curricula for your classes and more.

If you’re passionate about teaching others, then this could be a great career for you.

If you are in the Outdoor Leadership industry, I recommend, Outdoor Leadership Secrets: Hardcore Outdoor Leadership Skills and Success Principles for New Managers and Leaders by Chris Badgett. 

2. Management Consultant

As a management consultant (also called management analyst) you’ll study an organization and pinpoint any issues that are negatively affecting its efficiency or effectiveness.

Management consultants look at the way an organization or business is structured and the procedures or systems it has in place. They also study employment and financial data and may make recommendations for changes to management through the use of reports and presentations.

A Doctor of Strategic Leadership program will give you a thorough understanding of what it takes to assess an organization and help make it more efficient.

3. Senior Role, i.e. Chief Executive Officer

If your goal is to obtain a better position in your current field and organization, then a Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is usually the top position to strive for. Earning a Doctor of Strategic Leadership could help you achieve this goal because you’ll build decision-making and problem-solving skills.

These are skills needed daily for CEOs to manage and provide direction for employees and make important company decisions. Having a DSL on your resume will also help you stand out amongst the competition who could be as qualified as you for the leadership position.

If you enjoy reading about leadership, I recommend, 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership by John Maxwell. 

You’ll Accomplish a Personal Goal

According to the United States Census Bureau data from 2018, since 2000 the number of doctoral degree holders has more than doubled to 4.5 million people aged 25 and over, compared to 21 million master’s degree holders.

Not as many people have a doctoral degree as have a master’s degree because it takes two or more years of education, further dedication to studying hard, usually completing and defending a dissertation, spending more money on higher education, etc. But, you may be one of those people who put earning a doctoral degree on your list of life goals.

If you earn your Doctor of Strategic Leadership, you’ll be able to accomplish this personal goal, while oftentimes setting an excellent example for friends and family around you.

Earn Your Online Doctor of Strategic Leadership from Liberty University

Liberty University’s fully online Doctor of Strategic Leadership program is taught by dedicated professors who care about your personal and professional goals.

The Doctor of Strategic Leadership curriculum includes:

  • Innovative change initiatives
  • Purposeful reform interventions
  • Strategic planning and forecasting
  • Organizational development 
  • Contemporary leadership theory with a focus on strategy

This fully online program requires 51 credit hours of coursework and a doctorate project. All online courses last eight weeks long, which offers flexibility to adult learners who work full-time, have families to take care of, and/or have other community commitments.

If you’re interested in taking the next steps to earn a Doctor of Strategic Leadership from Liberty University specifically, I am writing about my joinery week to week. You can check it out here!
