In a Cornfield | 31 Nights of Horror Challenge

For this year’s 31 Nights of Horror Challenge, the Day 31 prompt was In a Cornfield. Our goal this year is to watch some movies that we have never seen before so we decided to watch the newest version of Children of the Corn (2020). 



Our Thoughts on Children of the Corn 

The one was painfully bad. While I really enjoyed the first one, way back in the day with Linda Hamilton (The Terminator), this one was awful. 

I will admit that the character of an Eden (Kate Moyer) was the best of the bunch, most of the acting was stilted and choppy. The CGI was cheesy and the story was just blah. 

2.0 of out of 10


The black and white program on the television early on in the film is The Twilight Zone season 3 episode “It’s a Good Life,” where a young boy with incredible abilities holds a small town hostage and sends anyone and anything that displeases him “to the cornfield.”

Filmed during the 2020 lockdowns. Was able to avoid production shutdown due to being financed from an indie production.

Filmed entirely in Australia. 
