Iditarod 40: The Trail. Ruby to Galena

Iditarod 40: The Trail. Ruby to Galena      50 Miles

From Ruby to Kaltag, the next 134 miles is on the Yukon River, passing through Galena and Nulato. In most years the local traffic keeps the river trail hard and fast. This section is well marked because wind and snow can cover the trail very quickly. Checkpoint is usually in the Galena Community Center.

Galena (gull-LEE-na) — Lat.64.44 Long 156.56 — Population 487 — Galena derived its name from lead sulfate ore found in the area, known chemically as galena. The town was founded in 1920 when Natives moved down river from the old town site of Louden because of the availability of firewood. A man could cut 250 cords a winter and sell it for $8 a cord to the stern-wheelers that worked the rivers in the summer. This was the home of Edgar Nollner, the last living musher who carried the lifesaving diphtheria serum along this trail to Nome in 1925. The checkpoint is at the “old” community hall downtown.

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