Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man | 31 Nights of Horror Challenge

For this year’s 31 Nights of Horror Challenge, the Day 8 prompt was Favorite Sequel. I could have chosen many sequels for this prompt, and several of them I will be watching later in the challenge. I choose one I have never seen before, Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man (1943).

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Larry Talbot finds himself in an asylum, recovering from an operation performed by the kindly Dr. Mannering. Inspector Owen finds him there, too, wanting to question him about a recent spate of murders. Talbot escapes and finds Maleva, the old gypsy woman who knows his secret: when the moon is full, he changes to a werewolf. She travels with him to locate the one man who can help him to die – Dr. Frankenstein. The brilliant doctor proves to be dead himself, but they do find Frankenstein’s daughter. Talbot begs her for her father’s papers containing the secrets of life and death. She doesn’t have them, so he goes to the ruins of Frankenstein’s castle to find them himself. He finds the Monster, whom he chips out of a block of ice. Dr. Mannering catches up with him only to become tempted to monomania while using Frankenstein’s old equipment.

Our Thoughts on Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man

Though not nearly up to the standards and fun level of “Ghost Of Frankenstein,” this neat little Universal gem has its heart in the right place! The wonderful opening sequence in the graveyard, plenty of atmospheres, typically gorgeous Universal studio sets, and its famous monsters! What more can you ask for? Chaney is superb as the tormented Larry Talbot, but Bela leaves quite a bit to be desired as the monster. Universal would have been better off using Glen Strange one film earlier instead of waiting for 1944’s “House Of Frankenstein.” All in all, a fun film that staggers a bit after a rip-roaring start!

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