Enter Sandman: Coffeehouse Rock

It was day two of our music experience at the Fort. Last night it was Michele’s pick for our music perusal. She chose Channel 848 Coffeehouse Rock

I know exactly what you are thinking: Girl Music. You are right!

I entered the room to John Meyer and fell asleep at some point during Lady GaGa. I could hardly believe my ears. Not only did I know all of the songs and the artists that were playing but I sang along to the lyrics!

The only thing that was missing was Who Will Save Your Soul by Jewel. I needed some salvation listening to this stuff, thats for sure! Why wasn’t she on the station? She cut her teeth in Homer, Alaska and rocked every coffee house from here to San Diego. At least she has talent.

Well, so does Marvin Gaye. At least that was a bright spot of the evening.

I threatened Michele that tonight just might be some speed-metal-80s-punk if she’s not careful. What a way to start the weekend!

More to come…

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