Documentary | 31 Nights of Horror Challenge

For this year’s 31 Nights of Horror Challenge, the Day 15 prompt was supposed to Rock n Roll but I just could not find anything  worth watching so on Michele’s suggestion we went with a documentary. It was called King on Screen (2022) and all about, you guessed it, Stephen King. In fact next year we are doing the whole challenge on King  movies 


1976, Brian de Palma directs Carrie, the first novel by Stephen King. Since, more than 50 directors adapted the master of horror’s books, in more than 80 films and series, making him now, the most adapted author still alive in the world . What’s so fascinating with him that the directors can’t stop adapt his books ? The feature documentary KING ON SCREEN reunites filmmakers that have adapted Stephen King’s books for cinema and TV. In the cast, more than 25 directors, including Frank Darabont (Shawshank Redemption, The Green Mile, The Walking Dead), Tom Holland (The Langoliers, Chucky), Mick Garris (The Stand, Sleepwalkers) and Taylor Hackford (Dolores Claiborne, Ray). It is a movie made for the fans and with the fans, led by an international ambition.

Our Thoughts on King on Screen (2022)

I loved this documentary especially the intro where it starts with all of the easter eggs! 

I have been a King fan my whole life. Like the interviewers said, most of us start with our introduction to King from the movies and move over to the books. 

It goes in depth on several of the King movies and how they relate to the books and I really enjoyed the element on The Green Mile and The Shining. There is no secret that King did not like adaption of the first The Shining and it was cool to see how he came full circle with Doctor Sleep. You will have to watch to see the connection. 

7 out of 10 
