Coaching for Peak Performance

Coaching for Peak Performance

By Robert Forto, PhD

Lead Dog RevengeIf you are a small business owner and you want to have a leading edge in your industry consider coaching for peak performance. If you want any of the following give Dr. Robert Forto, a call at 303-522-1727 or contact him anytime through this website.

Would you like to:

Recruit the best

Make effective change

Achieve goals

Enhance performance

Enhance creativity and innovation

Motivate and energize people

Decrease response times

Keep your talented people

Communicate effectively

Improve teamwork

Dr. Robert Forto is a practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Programming, commonly called NLP and he can show you quick results in a minimal amount of time.

A common theme we always hear when consulting with a business or organization is that people are always trying to do more with less. Expectations of employees are rising, while resources are limited. The fight to stay competitive drives this need to innovate continually, to improve products, services and processes.

In some businesses or organizations this pressure leads to tightly managed. Process-led approaches that focus on minimizing errors and maintaining control. These management models have their roots in the days of heavy industry and manufacturing and the drive to control quality. Nowadays, however, these approaches tend to create workforces that lack motivation, intuitive and drive-and are often very stressed.

More and more forward thinking businesses and organizations realize that supporting and developing people is as important as getting the job done, and in fact the job can’t get done unless people develop and grown their skills. These businesses and organizations are on the forefront of their industry and put in place performance reviews, feedback tools and training, and increasingly offer individual coaching between manager and employee on an ongoing basis.

Through a consultation with Dr. Robert Forto, you can discover how you can use NLP knowledge and techniques through individual coaching sessions to improve your employee’s effectiveness.

The most progressive employers in the nation are using Dr. Forto and his techniques of NLP by integrating coaching into their every day company culture. Rather than formal training sessions where you may have to send one or two employees to an out of state conference, Dr. Forto’s coaching program and techniques of NLP can create solutions to problems and attain goals very quickly.

Coaching can be a really worthwhile investment and does not always need to take a huge amount of time. In fact just after a few sessions you can use these techniques anywhere, anytime and in any type of business and as a result improve other peoples thinking and results.

So if you would like to find out more about Dr. Robert Forto’s Coaching for Peak Performance program give him a call anytime at 303-752-2818 or contact him through this website.


Dr. Robert Forto is a business coach, author, radio show host, professional musher, public speaker and canine behaviorist. Dr. Forto can be reached through his website at
