As Seen on TV Gift Extravaganza: Day 6

Hey Guys and Gals, its that time of year again– The glorious over-exuberant, hyper-manic Christmas shopping season! If you are like me and love to lavish our loved ones, friends, and family with gifts and hate going to the mall to fight the traffic….

Hey wait a minute, now that I am living in the middle of no-where in the Great State of Alaska, the Mall of America, one of my favorite hang outs by the way, is over 4000 miles away, I will be forced to procure gifts by alternate means.

I have been known to order some crazy things in the middle of the night from 1-800 numbers and a guy named Billy on TV, so much so that my wife has hid my wallet on occasion.

But this year, I am going to showcase some of the greatest gifts known to exist for sale at 2 am. Yes, my rabid reader, I am going to give you the gift ideas of all gift ideas. So sit back and relax, find those credit cards you stowed away during the Great Recession and warm up your touch-tone (or maybe even rotary dial) phone and order away.

I bring you 25 Days of AS SEEN ON TV GIFT EXTRAVAGANZA!!

Day 6 Gift: Shed Ender Pro

As you all know, I am in the dog training business. I have clients ask me all the time; “how do I deal with my dogs shedding.”

Like shedding is a training issue! Many people also know that I have owned and competed with Siberian Huskies for a long time. Siberians shed more than any other dog on EARTH. They shed enough to fill garbage bags full of fur at least twice a year. So much hair that there has become a cottage industry for fur hats and scarves from the Husky hair.

Which brings us to today’s gift selection for that special someone on your gift list: TheShed Ender Pro. It is a tool that any dog or cat owner should can not live with out. It is promoted to use the same technology as what the professionals use.

Available today for $14.95 (plus shipping and handling, sorry NO C.O.D.’s) A Google search says you can get it at Target too for only $9.95!

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