As Seen on TV Gift Extravaganza. Day 1: Gyro Bowl

Hey Guys and Gals, its that time of year again– The glorious over-exuberant, hyper-manic Christmas shopping season! If you are like me and love to lavish our loved ones, friends, and family with gifts and hate going to the mall to fight the traffic….

Hey wait a minute, now that I am living in the middle of no-where in the Great State of Alaska, the Mall of America, one of my favorite hang outs by the way, is over 4000 miles away, I will be forced to procure gifts by alternate means.

I have been known to order some crazy things in the middle of the night from 1-800 numbers and a guy named Billy on TV, so much so that my wife has hid my wallet on occasion.

I bring you 25 Days of AS SEEN ON TV GIFT EXTRAVAGANZA!!

[ Rewind: Gifts that NOBODY wants! ]

Today’s gift is the Gyro Bowl

Gyro Bowl is the amazing spill-proof bowl that keeps food in place no matter how much your child spins, turns, dumps or drops the bowl. GyroBowl is specially designed to spin 360 degrees so that the open side always stays up, keeping the contents in the bowl and off of your floor. Gyro Bowl is completely kid-proof and virtually indestructible. GyroBowl is dishwasher safe, making clean-up a breeze, and comes with a snap on lid for easy storage of leftovers.

Order yours today– but you’d better hurry Christmas is right around the corner. I bet you can’t wait to see the joy on their faces when they tear open the package and finding a Gyro Bowl. Well look at it this way, it’s not a can of Simonize!

Available today for $10.95 (plus shipping and handling, sorry NO C.O.D.’s)

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