Apple Cinnamon Bourbon

apple cinnamon bourbon Robert Forto

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Total Time: 21 days

Yield: 32 ounces 1


2 Apples

4 Cinnamon sticks

750-liter bottle of good bourbon

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Core and slice the apples. The easiest way to do this is to cut just off-center to leave core, doing this on all 4 sides. Then slice apples, leaving the skin on.

Place cinnamon sticks and half of the apple slices into the jar. Pour the bourbon over the apples and cinnamon. Place additional apples into the jar till bourbon is about 1 inch from the top. Seal the mason jar, and make sure to wipe so that it is completely dry before you store it since alcohol can damage surfaces.

At this point, the bourbon can soak for a few days, up to 3 weeks. This all depends on how deep of a flavor you are trying to achieve. 4 sticks of cinnamon will give you a very deep cinnamon flavor, so cut that in half if you want more of the apple flavor.

Taste the bourbon after a few days to see if it is getting to the flavor profile you desire. At this point remove the cinnamon sticks, and allow them to dry. I sit them across the top of a cocktail glass and let air dry. Remove apples and discard. Store bourbon in a mason jar, or place it into a more decorative decanter.
