31 Days of Horror. Day 23: The Devils Rejects

Every year we have a tradition in the Forto house where we celebrate the greatest month of the year, October, with scare your socks off, hide under the covers, turn on all the lights, sleep with one eye open, fright fest, movie marathon everynight of the month! We call it 31 Days of Horror


In Rob Zombie’s continuation to his first film, The House of 1000 CorpsesCaptain SpauldingBaby Firefly (Sheri Moon Zombie) and the rest of the demented family return to wreck havoc in Ruggsville, Texas.


Captain Spaulding


The Devils Rejects is one of the most graphic films I have ever seen. Not necessarily the special effects but the storyline really makes you sit back and think: WOW! How could someone think this twisted? Rob Zombie proves that he can and his demented sense of horror brings this film to the crescendo in an otherwise bleak world of cut-um-up slasher flicks.


This is is a must see if you a horror fan!


Plot: In Ruggsville, Texas, the police under the command of Sheriff John Quincy Wydell attack the house of the sadistic serial killers Firefly family (a.k.a. The Devil’s Reject) and they arrest mother Firefly, but Otis B. Driftwood and Baby Firefly escape from the siege. Tiny is wandering nearby the house and also escapes. Otis and Baby call their patriarch, the mad clown Captain Spaulding and they schedule to reunite at an isolated motel in the desert. When Otis and Baby arrive, they kidnap two families of singers, using sadism and violence against the harmless persons. Meanwhile, Sheriff Wydell promises to capture and kill the runaways, seeking revenge for the death of his brother, the Deputy George Wydell.






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