30 Days About Me. Day 30: Future Dreams

I am participating in a blog challenge this month. It is 30 Days about Me from a Daily Dose of Toni

“You don’t have life if you don’t have a dream. You have to have something to aim for.” ~Morgan Freeman 

This is it folks. The last day of the challenge. I feel that I know a little bit about the bloggers that have participated and I want to thank every one of you for sharing. It has been a great exercise for not only me to get my butt in a chair and write every day but also learn so many things about other bloggers and what they have going on in their neck of the woods.

While I know I was the only guy participating I hope that my posts at least brought a smile every once in a while with my off-collar sarcastic humor and the way that I think outside the icebox up here in the Great White North.

I will continue to follow all of your blogs and continue reading your posts. I hope you will do the same. Thank you all for your comments over the last month.

It has been fun.

For the topic today it is: a dream for the future beyond the next year.

That is simple. It can be summed up in just one sentence

Follow Team Ineka on the trail as we chase our dream towards Nome!

If there is ever another challenge let me know, as I would love to participate.


Follow my news and updates on Twitter, my whereabouts on Foursquare and  relationship status on Facebook. Or send me a telegram.


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