The Future Home of Iditarod Dreams: The Grand Entry
In a Native American Pow Wow they have what is called The Grand Entry. It is at the start of the pow wow and all of the attending tribes […]
The Future Home of Iditarod Dreams: Mush! You Huskies Radio Show
The Future Home of Iditarod Dreams: Mush! You Huskies Radio Show As promised, yesterday, I wanted to showcase the sister show to our highly popular, Dog Radio Show to my […]
New Rules for Service Animals and the ADA
The Department of Justice is muddying the waters of the disabled and the use of service animals in the new definitions for what a service animal must be. In the […]
The Future Home of Iditarod Dreams: Dog Works Radio Shows
As many of my rabid readers know, my hands are in everything. That can be an omen or a curse or it could be just the way I roll. […]
The Future Home of Iditarod Dreams: Alaska Dog Works
It took just about a month to get all the paperwork in order and filed with the State to do business as a foreign entity in Alaska. That simply […]