Iditarod 40: The Trail. Takotna to Ophir

Iditarod 40: The Trail. Takotna to Ophir     23 Miles

From Takotna the Iditarod Trail is the State Highway that runs to Ophir. Take the road to the right at the fork 1 1/2 miles out of Takotna. Normally there is no snow plowing on the Ophir fork of the highway; however, it is well traveled by dog teams and snow machines all winter. It is seven miles to the top of the grade and then runs down into the Innoko River Valley. Bridges and streams are identified with State of Alaska signs. The trail leaves the road occasionally to cross ridges and to avoid drifted areas. These departures should be well marked.

Ophir (OH-fur) — (OPH) Lat 63.08 Long 156.31 — Population 0 — Now a ghost town, it took its name in 1908 from a nearby placer creek, one of a dozen streams in Alaska to be named by Bible-reading prospectors, for the lost country of Ophir, the source of King Solomon’s gold. Many items and artifacts still remain untouched. The checkpoint is at Dick and Audra Forsgren’s cabin.


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